1) Makower, Joel With a new foreword by Michael Lang and Joel Rosenman WOODSTOCK THE ORAL HISTORY: State University of New York Press, Albany, 2009
2) Farber, David The Age of Great Dreams America In The 1960’s: Hill and Wang, 1994
3) Pettis, Chuck Secrets of Sacred Space: Llewellyn Publications, 1999
4) Fornatale, Pete THE STORY OF WOODSTOCK BACK to the GARDEN: Touchstone A Division of Simon & Schuster, 2009
5) Addington, Larry H. America’s War in Vietnam: Indiana University Press, 2000
6) Reynolds, Susan WOODSTOCK REVISITED: Adams Media, 2009
7) Anderson, Terry H. THE MOVEMENT AND THE SIXTIES: Oxford University Press, 1995
8) Lang, Michael with Holly George-Warren THE ROAD TO WOODSTOCK: Harper Collins Books, 2009
9) Littleproud, Brad and Joanne Hague WOODSTOCK Peace, Music & Memories: Krause Publications, 2009
10) Brokaw, Tom The Baby Boomers A CNBC Special
11) The History Channel: Woodstock Now and Then on DVD
12) Woodstock, The Movie
13) Woodstock Soundtrack on CD
14) Winthers, Danielle: On site inspection of the Legendary site and the towns around it